
Friday, January 21, 2011

More time needed to clear confusion on warehouse receipts

Two terminologies — commodities demat and negotiable warehouse receipt — in the commodities market has created more confusion in the last seven years than in any participatory facilitation. 

The jargons have led the market to a state of confusion because these are perceived more as “insurance policies” underwritten by an exchange and the warehouseman (as applicable) for the users rather than instruments of facilitation.

Brokers and investors are confused
 about “commodity demat” as they often draw a parallel to the seamless stock market functioning. In case of commodity demat, the mere act of recordkeeping in the electronic form has not conferred the qualifications of “security” on the commodity. The statute of “security” to the demat commodity has remained elusive under the Depository Act. Therefore, the funding of a demat commodity has conferred an inferior legal protection on the lender when compared to the demat funding of stocks. 

On the other hand, a warehouse receipt (WHR) is not negotiable under the common law. A WHR is an instrument issued by a warehouseman, reciting receipt of certain goods therein described and evidencing the contract between the parties along with the details of warehousing. What is being envisaged (however, not yet grasped) under the WDRA Act, 2007, is to confer on the document in a certain way the same sort of limited and peculiar negotiability which is possessed by a bill of lading.

A WHR can only be an evidence to the title of the goods and not a promise to pay while a “negotiable instrument” means paper evidencing a debt ultimately reducible to money and not calling for the delivery of other property.

The law regarding the document of title
 is trying to borrow the feature of negotiability from the law of negotiable instruments but it must always be remembered that the two classes of instruments — negotiable instruments on one hand and documents of title on the other — must in certain respects be different and be governed as they are today by entirely different bodies of law. 

The negotiable instrument is a promise to pay or an order to pay money while a document of title calls for delivery by a bailee (warehouseman) of certain particular goods. It is better to keep this thought
 in mind that a warehouse receipt is a document of title not a negotiable instrument and that there is a separate body of law governing each. 

If at all, WHR becomes negotiable, it will pass greater freedom from hand to hand chiefly by the reason of the fact that the transferee thereof does not need to notify the bailee (warehouseman) of his acquisition of title while a transferee of an assignable document of title (WHR) acquires no rights against the bailee except by giving notice.

By assigning negotiability on WHR will not provide the document with a status of “negotiable instrument” but can be referred as a “negotiable document of title”. It is going to take a while before the cloud of confusion is removed and we see a clear blue sky on the commodity horizon in India. 

People asking questions lost in confusion,
Well I tell them there’s no problem, Only solutions,
I’m just sitting here watching the wheels go round and round,
I really love to watch them roll, No longer riding on the merry-go-round, 

— John Lennon’s ‘Watching the Wheels’

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