
Saturday, November 20, 2010

Digital divide hampers growth of commodity mkts

Commodity markets and market yards used to be the physical locations where buyers and sellers met and negotiated. With the improvement in communication technology in 90’s, the need for a physical location has become less important as traders are transacting from remote locations over phone. 

The ‘E’ word in the commodity cash market seems to be the latest fad. E-products are creating sound bites rather than solutions. The solutions seem to hold more promise than they can actually deliver with the current technological reach to the masses. Internet presents physical cash markets with opportunities to increase efficiency through lower transactions costs but access remains a problem. While India has emerged as the second-largest mobile telephone market after China, in terms of computer and internet penetration India is still far behind. India has 5.1 internet users for every 100 people, which compares poorly with the corresponding figures of 39.2 and 28.5 for Brazil and China, respectively. 

Today a large majority of stakeholders in the commodity market are in the midst of the ‘digital divide’. It is not difficult to see broadband connections in the pockets of market yards of Rajasthan, Gujarat and Punjab. The commodity futures exchanges have helped in technology and digital penetration, though a majority of the physical cash market remains digitally excluded. Therefore, the growth of these commodity markets to the next level has remained elusive. 

Electronic trading makes transactions easier to complete, monitor, clear, and settle in the physical commodity space. All the considerations lead to compare a simple solution to avoid complex solutions. Such comparisons should also consider whether providing a low-cost system meets the basic needs, regardless of the use of         E-trading product. 

E-trading systems are typically proprietary software (E-trading platforms), running on COTS (Commercial off the shelf) hardware and operating systems, often using common underlying TCP/IP protocols. The emergence of electronic trading venues known as ‘Electronic Communications Networks’ (ECNs) in the late ‘90s made it possible for more entities to trade. ECNs and exchanges generally offer two methods of accessing their systems — GUI & API. GUI (Graphical User Interface) is which the trader runs on desktop and connects directly to the E-trading venues. API (Application Programming Interface) allows dealers to plug into their own in-house systems and then directly into the E-venues. From an infrastructure point of view, most exchanges provide “gateways” acting in a manner similar to a proxy, connecting back to the exchange’s central system. ECNs will generally forego the gateway/proxy, and their GUI or the API will connect directly to a central system, across a leased line. 

India ranks 43rd in a list of 133 countries, just behind China and Brazil according to the WEF’s Network Readiness Index. However, the standards on E-trading systems in commodity market with regards to authentication, encryption, transactions recording standard, pricing and slippage standard need to be created without much delay. Unless that is done and the ‘traffic rules’ are made, it would be a chaos on the E-trading highways of the commodity cash markets. 

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