
Thursday, May 22, 2014

Why there is no perfect strategy for hedging in commodity markets

The key to optimal decision making is to understand the trade offs that are occurring

Inventories for storable commodities have always played a crucial role in price formation. It acts as a buffer that helps absorb shocks to demand and supply affecting spot prices.

However, there is a possibility of a stock-out implying that the basis can surge in times of shortages. In case of importable commodities, such situations are sometimes created by squeezing the supply lines for a time period.

On the other hand, larger processors of soyabean, mustard and maize hold commodities to reduce costs of adjusting production over time and also to reduce marketing costs by facilitating production and delivery scheduling and avoiding stock outs.

If marginal production costs increases with the rate of output and if the demand fluctuates, processors can reduce their costs over time by selling out inventory during high-demand periods and replenishing inventories during low-demand periods. Selling out of inventory during high-demand periods can reduce the adjustment costs.

Processors most often try to determine their own production levels with the expected inventory drawdown or build-ups. However, the information on the real stock and inventory level is never available from a reliable source in India.

It is mostly hearsay or a trade rumour. Prices and inventory level fluctuate considerably from time to time which may partly be predictable due to seasonal production and the unpredictability part is generally brought by the market players in response to demand expectations.

Very often the decisions are made in light of two prices – a spot price for sale of the commodity itself, and a price for storage.

Thus there are two inter-related markets for a commodity, the cash market for immediate, or “spot,” purchase and sale and the storage market for inventories held by both producers and consumers of the commodity. Because inventory holdings can change, the spot price does not equate production and consumption.

Instead, it characterises the cash market as a relationship between the spot price and “net demand,” i.e., the difference between production and consumption.

Total demand in the cash market is a function of the spot price and other variables such as weather, aggregate income and random shocks reflecting unpredictable changes.

Processors and consumers often seek ways of hedging in the markets in response to the price volatility. Whether this is done by way of financial instruments such as futures contracts or by physical instruments such as inventories depends on the appetite of entities in the value chain.

Rarely is there one perfect strategy, hence the key to optimal decision making is to understand the tradeoffs that are occurring in deciding on the actual strategy.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

The importance of storage rates in commodity trade

Having variable rates will promote convergence of prices in spot and futures markets

Commodity futures market convergence is the process where prices in the spot and futures markets come together or converge at futures market expiration.

Convergence occurs at the expiry date of every futures contract because of arbitrage. If spot prices remain below futures prices, a market participant could buy in the spot market and sell in the futures market and make a risk-free profit.

Similarly, if the spot price is above the futures price, a market participant can buy in the futures market, take delivery and sell in the spot market and earn a risk free-profit.

Storage space crunch

Convergence can be problematic whenever a commodity is in oversupply relative to available storage space which is often the case in India.

Spot prices may be at a discount to futures prices during a delivery, when there is a lack of warehouse space and the spot price discount to futures is tied to the cost of putting the commodity into storage.

When a warehouse is full with a certain allotment for commodity storage, the cost to store an additional quantity of commodity can increase significantly due to the lost opportunity of using that space for other commodities.

To address this issue, if the cost to store a commodity changes, one needs to examine how to also change the returns from storage to keep the costs and benefits in alignment. The benefits from storage are discovered in the price spreads between different expiration months in the futures market.

However, this has got restricted in India on account of exchange pre-determined storage rates which are not market-driven.

Variable rates

This creates a fundamental market flaw as the exchanges, in order to keep the transaction cost low, keep the real storage cost artificially lower than the market for exchange delivered commodities and thus affecting the convergence of the prices.

CME has already introduced variable storage rates (VSR) to promote convergence from July 2010. The results of this implementation have had a positive impact on convergence during expiration.

In case of CME contracts, if the market expects storage rates to increase following the current contract expiration, the spread between current to further month contract can widen. Now, storage rates can change under VSR mechanism.

It is rather interesting to observe that in India, participants on futures platform are given a fixed rate of storage while market driven rates are offered to the spot market user which is ever changing, market determined and dynamic in nature.

We need not ignore a situation where sustained non-convergence would make hedging less effective, send confusing signals to the market, threaten the viability of a contract and ultimately lead to a misallocation of agricultural resources.