
Friday, September 24, 2010

Livestock set to turn costly on high feed prices

Livestock is an often forgotten area of the commodities market. It refers to domesticated animals raised in an agricultural setting to produce commodities for food (milk), fiber (wool) and labor (plough).
Livestock market is very old in India. Livestock fairs of Sonepur (Bihar), Pushkar, Nagaur(Rajasthan ), Dadri, Bateshwar (UP), Vautha (Gujarat)  have taken legendary positions.  Largest cattle fair of the world at Sonepur and Pushkar starts on the day of Karthik Purnima in November, followed by other fairs.
Three of the most common units of pricing in these fairs are per unit, per pair and per group. As different classes of animals are assembled and sold in the livestock fairs, the commonly accepted unit of sale is per head. The per pair unit are practiced for bullocks, as identical bullocks are preferred for engaging them on plough and cart. The per group unit are used for sheep, goats and cattle meant for slaughter. The popular method of transaction for settling price is by direct negotiation but hatha system (i.e. negotiation under cover) also exists in some livestock fairs.
This year may see a very high price for most of the livestock in all the markets. The relationship of the cost of feed, expressed as a ratio to the sale price of animals is an important benchmark for rearers. This serves as an indicator of the profit margin or lack of profit in feeding animals to market price. Due to year on year rise in the price of  feed (maize, soybean etc), we can expect to see a high livestock prices in these fairs.
The livestock sector, traditionally based on local production and consumption, supports the livelihoods of an estimated 600 million rural poor all over the world. Population growth and rising incomes have both contributed to rising demand.
As high as 70% of livestock in India is owned by 67% of small, marginal and land less. 60% of livestock farming labor is provided by women and more than 90% of work related to care of animals is rendered by womenfolk of the family. India has 53% of world Buffalo population and 15% of world Cattle population.
While the country has futures market in feed, the livestock market does not have any futures market in India nor is it under the notified list of commodities.
However, there are mainly two types of cattles traded at the CME- Live cattle and feeder cattle (besides the lean hogs and frozen pork bellies). Even, the current US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton had dabbled in Livestock futures thru her broker at Refco. She was allowed to order 10 cattle futures contracts, which at that time required a $12,000 margin. In her first commodity trade, she had only $1,000 in her account….much lower than the required margin. In commodities futures trading, whenever an account falls below the “maintenance margin”, it typically triggers a "margin call," where the trader must put up sufficient cash to cover the contracts. Although Hillary Clinton's account was under-margined for nearly all of 1979, no margin call was made, no additional cash was put up and she eventually reaped a $60,000 profit. There never was any official governmental investigation into it….even when she became the first lady of US.  Some things shall always remain non transparent like “Hatha system” of our livestock fairs …even if it is a financial futures market.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Selective leak of sensitive information vexes traders

Any economist worth his salt would say that prices are derived by interaction of supply and demand. However … commodity traders would differ……. Laws of supply and demand have been broken down…commodity prices in Gold, Energy, Base Metals, Wheat, Coffee and Soybean are mere speculation on trends and information. Today’s prices are determined by a process which is so opaque that only a handful of companies, banks, traders and brokers have some idea as to who is buying and who’s selling. This sets the physical prices in a strange new world of “paper information” on commodities.

Indian companies have done this slightly more innovatively. A large number of powerful companies get prior access to non-public information from government sources. It is widely known which business houses have benefitted from access to non-public information. Generally, employees of the govt. are barred from sharing insider information. The monthly quotas, crop production estimates, duty structures etc are prepared behind locked doors. Staff faces suspensions and prison for breaching confidential information. However, the companies remain scot free… There is hardly any law to prevent its misuse.

One of the most notorious insider trading scandals to hit commodities markets involved a dealer, a statistician and a window blind. In 1905, a trader by the name of Louis Van Riper was in cahoots with a USDA statistician E S Holmes who raised or lowered a window blind at department headquarters to signal estimates of cotton acreage before their official release. After the scam came to light, the USDA tightened its procedures for releasing market-moving supply and demand estimates and crop reports. But Van Riper’s actions, using misappropriated government information, remained legal. 

Institutional manipulation of Supply & Demand data has been a scourge during the recent past. The data abuse for agricultural commodities has been mainly on the supply side while industrial commodities faced abuse on demand side. However, this too went through an innovative process with stories about Corn and ethanol (from sugar) blending. Such abuses have created decision making traps for commodity players. The researchers of broking houses, “gurus”, associations, agencies and funds have created information and news hypes leading to large price swings in the market. At a time when crude oil was surging there was a data buzz of new reality hitting the energy markets at a feverish pitch. Some said China and India would voraciously suck up supplies and that a lower price will never be seen again….eventually the bubble did burst.

No single entity can be expected to be prophet of morality, economics and corporate conduct. With Kharif arrivals almost at the doorstep...just watch out for the interplay of all these three factors….there is going to be more intrigues during the coming months compared to the soap operas of the evenings.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Basel III might add more hurdles for trade finance

One of the hottest topics in commodity trade finance is the impact of Basel III. A majority of practitioners view Basel II as unfairly tough on trade finance in terms of capital requirements under the Standardised Approach, compared to the "one size fits all" approach of  Basel I (with its 20% credit conversion factor for trade finance). Evidences also suggest that the implementation of  Basel II has contributed to a drain out of available trade finance, particularly on SME sector. The safe, short-term, and self-liquidating character of trade finance has not been properly recognised under the Basel II framework and the proposed revised rules ("Basel III") seem to raise additional hurdles to trade finance.

Traders require letters of credit (LCs) and other loans to arrange for the shipment and delivery of their goods. As per WTO, about 80 percent of international trade is financed by some kind of credit. Among the trade instruments that came under the regulatory microscope in the aftermath of the crisis, include off-balance-sheet tools such as LC. These have become prime targets for increased regulation and additional capital charges, to the frustration of commodity traders and banks alike.

It is very positive to see the regulator striving to improve the banking system and aiming to tackle excessive leveraging, one of the focus of Basel III. This all sounds good except for the fact that trade finance might end up being an unexpected casualty in the end again because it also enjoys an off-balance sheet treatment which would now have to bear a flat 100% credit conversion factor.

While there is logic in tightening the treatment of some toxic off-balance-sheet financial instruments, there is less sense in stricter regulation of LC and similar trade bills. The question of why off-balance sheet trade exposures are not being automatically incorporated into the balance sheet (to avoid the leverage ratio) is one of its subtleties. It is argued that the off-balance sheet management of these exposures is necessary and in most cases only a temporary treatment of what would eventually become an on balance-sheet commitment.

The five-fold increase of capital requirements for off-balance-sheet letters of credit would increase the cost of banks in offering such risk mitigation products. Either that cost will be passed on to the customers (commodity traders), making it even more difficult for smaller businesses to trade internationally, or, in the absence of incentives to issue LC, customers may simply choose to use on-balance sheet products such as overdrafts to import goods (as these carry less stringent documentary requirements) which may prove to be potentially far more risky for the banking sector in general.

Unlike some western and European countries, open account financing is not appreciated in India. Traditional LC brings in more security and is highly appreciated. Therefore, the prudential treatment and cost of letters of credit is critical for India.

As the committee is sitting to finalize Basel III, the traders across the world will hope that the fear factor does not translate into unfair treatment of Trade Finance… the impact of that shall be profound in movement of commodities.

Published in The Economic Times 13 Sep, 2010

Monday, September 6, 2010

Investing in Precious Metals can be Tricky

It takes two to tango but a bunch of ill-informed commodity analysts to create hype around contango. Investors in precious metals must avoid the drove of commodities analysts – as there are few signs of intelligent-life.

Despite the tall claim that India is no longer a price taker for gold but a price setter, the claim does not cut much ice. We are all clueless of the happenings in the international market. Price and investment hype have come at a time when internationally one large market maker is sitting with the largest concentrated-position in the gold market in history (“short”), while the other large entity is sitting with the largest concentrated-position in the history of the silver market (also “short”). They are investing in commodity which has become genuinely “scarce”, due to the manipulation of the market.

The explanation of "hedging" by gold and silver mining concerns is even more amusing. Miners sell forward their future output, essentially selling naked, sometimes going out as many as several years. Then they cover part of their short position through purchases of call options. One can hedge physical gold, but can one hedge gold locked up in ore deposits!

In an Indian scenario a buy-and-hold strategy has become the profit-making proposition for many. The gold market has always been a contango market. This means that the gold spread has always reflected the carrying charge, the opportunity cost of carrying gold, most of which is foregone interest. The reason a large contango is rare is because it’s too easy to profit from it.

In the technical jargon of the futures markets, the basis is the spread between the nearest futures price and the cash price in the same location, but a strange phenomenon has manifested itself. Rather than remaining constant, the basis as a percentage of the rate of interest has been vanishing and now has dropped to zero. Has anyone checked the Indian “basis”? What about physical delivery… still a chimera or is it quality certification issue which ensures that this remains a chimera.

Growing numbers of investors are being drawn towards this market of buying precious metals. With festival and marriage season about to start….Gold, gold, gold...everyone may say...let us collect gold by which we shall remain wealthy... The banks, exchanges, analysts, brokers, mutual funds are misguiding people who seek to protect their wealth. Gold is a cleverly designed trap. This trap has caught the middle class, upper-middle class, and upper class, totally off guard. Hundreds of thousands of hard-working people will invest their savings in gold, believing that the risk is non-existent, and that their wealth is protected against severe market fluctuations and hyper-inflation.

Gold had lost nearly eight seven percent of its investment purchasing power between 1980 and 2000. That was during the best period for growing businesses in the twentieth century.  It is often said “Buy facts and sell fiction” but how does one distinguish which is the fact and what is the fiction …. at a time when analysts are manipulated and there are hardly any facts apart from the rumors. And what if the entire gold futures turn towards “backwardation”? Will that be a fact or fiction…..

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

CII Panel: The evolving 3PL Supply Chain Scenario: From People Driven to Process Driven Sep 01, 2010 Taj Mahal Palace. Mumbai

L to R  Shyamal Gupta (Chief Business Officer, NCMSL), S Narsimhan (Senior VP, Reliance Retail), Surabhi Upadhyay (Anchor, Bloomerg UTV), Abhraham Mathai (VP SCM Aditya Birla Retail), A Balakrishna  (Head-  SCM Gati)